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Eng Audiovisual【天地游】v1.B3: The Hell Associated with Abusive Speech, Sexual Misco

发表于 2020-9-1 12:16:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

[Official Transcript]v1.B3: The Hell Associated with Abusive Speech, Sexual Misconduct and Killing; The Hell Associated with Amassing Wealth Illicitly and Defaming Buddhism; The Great Hell Associated with Sexual Misconduct (The Hell of Pillars and the Hell of Iron Bed) 邪淫地狱(抱柱地狱,铁床地狱)

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Glossary Study

习气 the bad habits

佛法因果  the law of cause and effect in Buddhism

造业者和诽谤者 offenders and slanderers

佛友 practitioners

居士 lay practitioners (lay 世俗的)

坚信你师父 have firm faith in your Master


defamatory articles or remarks


All disciples should stay united, care for one another


promote Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door


Don’t let those unfounded statements waver your faith and your aspiration to practise Buddhism and attain the Way.

末法时期 in this Age of Dharma Decline


As disciples, you should be diligent in your spiritual cultivation.


listen to your Master’s radio program

看白话佛法 read the Buddhism in Plain Terms


Buddhism in Plain Terms will help you to get enlightened and overcome many troubles and demonic obstacles.


earnestly study and practise Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door

恶口诽谤 bad-mouth and slander

正信佛教 true Buddhist teaching

信受佛法戒律 believe and abide by the Buddhist precepts

恶口诽谤者 people who commit harsh speech and defamation

关帝菩萨 Guan Di Bodhisattva

佛台 altar

天兵天将 heavenly generals and soldiers 

听你师父之言 heed your Master’s advice

好好持戒 strictly observe the precepts


will not descend into the three deplorable Lower Realms of Existence

敛财 amass wealth dishonestly/amass wealth illicitly 

借佛敛财 accumulate wealth in the name of Buddhism

假法师 bogus monastics


people who blatantly disregard the law of karma

造口业 commit karma of speech

狼心狗肺者 those who are cruel and heartless

欺师灭祖者 those who betray and disrespect their teachers and the teachings

毁坏佛法者 those who destroy Buddhism


the alaya-vijnana or eighth consciousness

淫欲念头 the lustful thought

人行畜生事 animal-like behaviours carried out by humans

修心 cultivate one’s mind

发大愿 make a great and sincere vow

过去的罪业 all the negative karma sowed in the past

好好忏悔 properly repent for the wrongdoings of the past

严守戒律 observe the precepts strictly and adhere to the disciplinary rules

不停地修心 constantly cultivate one’s mind

消业障 eliminate one’s negative karma

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Journey to Heaven & Hell


On the morning of 17 August 2018, I received a thought message from Guan Yin Bodhisattva and Dharma- protecting Bodhisattvas. Due to the bad habits of people in the Human Realm these days and their failure to understand the Buddhist teachings and the law of cause and effect, there are many offenders and slanderers. As a result, Bodhisattvas frequently convey scenes from various Hells to me in the hope that I can tell the disciples and practitioners of Guan Yin Citta: “You must have firm faith in your Master, and refrain from reading those defamatory articles or remarks. All disciples should stay united, care for one another and promote Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. Don’t let those unfounded statements waver your faith and your aspiration to practise Buddhism and attain the Way.

“In this Age of Dharma Decline, there are many people who are still indulging themselves in all kinds of worldly pleasures such as eating, drinking and having fun. As disciples, you should be diligent in your spiritual cultivation, listen to your Master’s radio programs and read Buddhism in Plain Terms. The latter is especially important, as it will help you to get enlightened and overcome many troubles and demonic obstacles. Your Master has truly been through a lot, so you should take your Master’s advice. For those who earnestly study and practise Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, whether they are lay practitioners or disciples, Bodhisattvas regard them as Buddhist disciples.”



The scenes of Hell 1 (Those who defame Buddhism and use abusive speech will fall into this Hell):

This Hell was full of souls. The sky above the cave was pitch dark, but things appeared entirely different below. A red- hot river flowed through this Hell, but what was flowing in the river was not water but boiling hot molten lava. Sobs and crying could be heard all around - similar to the scene in the terrible Unintermittent Hell. There is no way for the evil souls to escape, unless they jump into the molten river and try to swim out. However, there are officers guarding the Hell’s exterior.

First, let’s take a look at the punishment for these souls. A female, whose body was black in colour, had just been transferred from the Unintermittent Hell to receive punishment here. The Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas told me that, under the influence of others, she had doubts about Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door. She had started to bad-mouth and slander the practice, discouraging others from following it and claiming that Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door was not true Buddhist teaching. As her deed was pardonable, the time she spent in the Unintermittent Hell was brief. However, for her abusive speech, she was still required to undergo punishment in this Hell.

Atop a table to the side were various instruments of torture- saws, hammers, pointed hammers, spears, and others I couldn’t even name. The enforcement officer looked up to the sky and asked a few questions, like what sort of offence she had committed, how long the punishment should be, and whether the punishment would be light or severe. This enforcement officer looked different from those in the Unintermittent Hell, with an oversized head. He was African in appearance except with a bigger build, and fierce-looking - like two or three people combined together.

The enforcement officer picked up a hammer and dozens of nails at random, grabbed the female soul and placed her on a countertop. A rope appeared out of nowhere, strapping the soul down. The officer hammered a nail onto the soul’s mouth, and then repeated the process - one nail after another until the last. She cried out in pain, tears indistinguishable from blood. It was such an unbearable sight. Suddenly, the thoughts of the soul transmitted into my mind: “It’s so painful! Guan Yin Bodhisattva, I know I was wrong! Dharma-protecting Bodhisattvas, please forgive me and let me out of Hell! How long do I still have to be tortured? I was influenced by others. Boohoo! Boohoo!” the soul cried.The scene brought out a stream of tears from the Bodhisattva.



The scenes of Hell 2 (Those who commit deeds of sexual misconduct, killing, or abusive speech will descend into this Hell):

This Hell is like the Hell of Burning Flame. The sky burns red, but it’s not as hot as expected. There were countless souls - some lay on the ground, howling and waiting for the punishment of the souls on the pillars to finish before it was their turn. The Bodhisattvas said that not many people of the Human Realm believed and abided by the Buddhist precepts these days, and they created a lot of negative karma. This kept the enforcement officers of the Hell Realm very busy as they had to punish many offenders every day.

Let’s begin by talking about this Hell. There are many pillars planted in the ground - I would estimate about 400- 500 of them. Below the Hell’s ground is hot molten lava. This explains why the soil on the surface feels hot as you tread on it.

The surface of the pillars contains many holes, with a large and sharp spike in each one. With a rope, the enforcement officers roughly tied each soul to a pillar. Beside each pillar was a handwheel. When the officer turned it, the pillar spun, and the spikes within protruded out of the holes, penetrating the flesh of the soul until their entire body was impaled. The soul shrieked in immense pain but was unable to escape. Innards and blood oozed slowly from the wounds. It became unbearable to watch, reminding me of the bloody scenes of a butcher’s market.  

The officer let the soul cry. When the punishment time was up, the soul was freed but thrown to the ground like a chicken or a duck. It was then another soul’s turn to receive their punishment. A soul receives this punishment once a day until they have served their time, after which they will be released and sent for rebirth.

People who have committed countless deeds of killing and sexual misconduct will descend into this Hell. Here, the deeds of killing include the killing of animals as well as abortion, as that is considered murder, especially when the embryo has formed into a foetus and been in the womb for two or three months. People who commit harsh speech and defamation will also descend into this Hell.


On 19 August 2018, I received a few thought messages about Hell.

Guan Yin Bodhisattva appeared above the altar, together with Guan Di Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Heavenly generals and soldiers stood guard in the sky above the Guan Yin Citta Centre, which was glittering with golden light.

As the scenes in Hell were too horrifying and gruesome, I had pleaded with Guan Yin Bodhisattva and said that I did not wish to see them again. Knowing I was reluctant to travel to the Underworld, Guan Yin Bodhisattva said to me compassionately: “I know you are frightened, but too many people in the Human Realm are doing evil. I wish you could share your experience to alert practitioners of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door, cautioning them to heed your Master’s advice and strictly observe the precepts so that they will not descend into the three deplorable Lower Realms of Existence.

“I’ll let Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva lead you on this trip to Hell, so you need not be afraid.”



Soon after, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva opened the passage to Hell and, in a flash, we were there. First, he led me to the Hell where beings who amass wealth dishonestly and defame Buddhism are punished.

“Too many bogus monastics and lay practitioners exist in the Human Realm, as well as people who blatantly disregard the law of karma and amass wealth illicitly in the name of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door and Buddhism, and also those ruthless Buddhists who accumulate wealth in the name of Buddhism and commit karma of speech. It is hoped that they repent to your Master as soon as possible, or else these gruesome scenes of Hell will await them in the future.”

The Hell associated with “shedding the Buddha’s blood” by illicitly amassing wealth and defaming Buddhism

This Hell, the size of seven or eight soccer fields, was located in a vast and dark cave. There were about 1,000 large and hot cauldron scattered sporadically throughout. Many offenders were crying, and I could hear the sound “Doo Doo Doo”.

Only after a while did I understand what was happening. In the cauldron closest to me, something was moving. An enforcement officer the size of two or three people and with green hair, tusks and holding a blunt knife in his hand, violently pressed an offender against a stone table. The officer lifted the knife in one hand and hacked off the hands and feet of the offender, throwing them into a boiling pot nearby. Although conscious throughout, the offender’s eyes bulged due to the immense pain.

In the Unintermittent Hell, the offenders I saw would fall unconscious with pain, but then be woken by the even more immense pain of the lava inside their bodies. Then they’d lose consciousness again, until the molten lava inside their bodies cools. The enforcement officers would then pour in another round of molten lava. The offenders will not be let out of the Unintermittent Hell until the sentence is fully served.

In this Hell, however, every offender is conscious - they are simply in so much pain that they cannot speak. Hell is truly terrifying.

The enforcement officer went off and returned with a sharp implement to cut open the offender’s stomach and chest and extracted the heart. The officer then pulled out the intestines like a rope, placing them on an iron plate to cook with fire before feeding the meal to a hungry Hellhound nearby. The black and ferocious-looking Hellhound gobbled up the offender’s heart, lungs and intestines in no time.

By this stage, the offender was in so much pain that he bit off his own tongue. Fully conscious and with his eyes bulging and his hands and feet missing, it was truly dreadful.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: “Those who are cruel and heartless, those who betray and disrespect their teachers and the teachings, and those who destroy Buddhism, will descend into this Hell.”


Soon after, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva opened up another passage and led me to the great Hell associated with sexual misconduct.

The Hell of Pillars (embracing copper pillars): Those who commit sexual misconduct and sexual indulgence will be punished here.

In this Hell, the air was hot and stuffy. Numerous black copper pillars were planted in the ground - there must be more than 7,000 of them. A foul stench of burnt flesh permeated through the air, and constant screaming could be heard from afar.

A male offender was led by two enforcement officers in the direction of the pillars. It was so strange - in this Hell, the offenders showed no sign of resistance. They seemed to be in some sort of dream-like state, so I was curious. The Bodhisattva clicked, revealing to me the soul’s Alaya- vijnana or eighth consciousness, and I realised this soul was perceiving the two incredibly ugly and fierce-looking enforcement officers as beautiful, naked women. It was a delusion stemming from the soul’s lustful consciousness. Furthermore, to him, the copper pillars looked like beds. The sight left me dumbfounded.

The male soul gladly followed the enforcement officers, ready to embrace the copper pillar. I could see now that the black copper pillar was actually a copper pillar that was heated so extremely that it turned black. When the soul did embrace the pillar, he cried out in extreme agony as his skin instantly burned to a crisp and became stuck to the pillar. His red blood mixed with his roasted flesh, and I heard crackling sounds that reminded me of barbeques in the Human Realm. But this was a living and breathing person’s soul that was being barbequed. The sight was completely horrendous!

接着,菩萨又带我去另一个地狱。铁床大地狱 :惩戒邪淫,淫乱,滥交,堕胎男女这个地狱布满很多的铁床,差不多有5000多张床以上。这些铁床的设计有现代的,有古代的,有欧美风的。男男女女全部一丝不挂躺在铁床上受罪,有不同肤色的罪灵。铁床下有编号。一个鬼差向我走来,带我去到一个男罪灵的床前,说:这个罪灵在阳世和十多个女人淫乱,所以从粪池地狱处罚完后送来这里受罚,过后投畜生。鬼差又领我走向另一张铁床,一个女罪灵躺在铁床上忍着痛苦,披头散发,看脸孔长得很漂亮,不像刚才那个男罪灵因为下过粪池地狱全身黑黑,又有虫啃咬过的伤口(之前分享过的粪池地狱,粪池臭不可闻,池里有不知名的虫啃咬堕落地狱的罪灵)。只要罪灵脑中淫欲的念头一起,这个铁床下面就有火冒起,把铁床上的钉子烧得热红红,罪灵就躺在那里哀嚎受苦,淫欲念头一从脑中消失,火就熄灭。刑罚时间完毕再放出地狱投胎。这个女罪灵以后投一个很贫穷的国家,因她邪淫罪业比较小,只是婚外情,而且只是一个对象。阳世爱好淫欲及男女关系混乱的人以后都是投畜生。


The Bodhisattva then took me to observe another Hell.

The Great Hell of Iron Bed: People who commit sexual misconduct and sexual indulgence, who lead a promiscuous life, or perform abortions will be punished here.

An enforcement officer led me to an iron bed with a male soul lying upon it. The officer said: “This soul had promiscuous relationships with over ten women in the Human Realm. He was therefore transferred to this Hell after completing his punishment in the Hell of Excrement. After serving his sentence here, he will be reborn as an animal.”

I was led to another iron bed, where a female soul bore the agonising pain. Her hair was a mess but from her facial features I could see that she was beautiful, unlike the male offender who was black all over from the Hell of Excrement and covered in bite wounds from the worms.

Whenever the mind of a soul created a lustful thought, it triggered the flame lying beneath the iron bed to burn red hot, so that the sharp spikes on the surface of the bed became red-hot as well. The soul was then left on the bed to suffer. When the lustful thought disappeared, the flame burned out.

When their punishment time is over, the souls will be released from Hell and wait to be reborn. This female offender will be reborn as a human in an impoverished country, because her deeds of sexual misconduct were relatively light - an extramarital affair with only one man.

People with intense sexual desire, living a promiscuous life and casually having affairs in the Human Realm will all be reborn as animals.

At this point, the Bodhisattva asked the enforcement officer to lead me to an elevator. The officer pressed the number “1”, and the lift ascended. When the lift door opened, I was pushed out by the officer. My consciousness then gradually returned from its deep slumber.


--- 2018-09-06【来信答疑】(二百五十三)

Master Jun Hong Lu’s reply:

Lust and sexual misconduct are animal-like behaviours carried out by humans. Those who commit deeds of sexual misconduct will ultimately be reborn as animals. Descriptions of this type were recorded very early in the history of mankind. Many books and religions have talked about it. Different religions have their own spiritual psychics who observed what happened and returned to describe it. Why is it the same? Because Hell is the same. Why must we properly cultivate our mind? Why are there people who crave self-indulgence, and commit deeds of animal-like sexual misconduct? All of it is true. When you’re having a nightmare and can’t wake up from it, doesn’t the experience seem real? When you’re in the Hell Realm as an offender, the experience of being punished will feel the same. When somebody slashes you with a blade in your dream, can’t you feel the sensation? Indeed, the pain makes you scream and you wake up.

People who commit any sexual misconduct, even having just one extramarital affair, will suffer such a punishment. How many affairs have you had so far?

People in the past were honest and faithful to their spouse throughout their lives. How many have you had so far? There is negative karma already. Why should you properly cultivate your mind? When you have made a great and sincere vow, all the negative karma sowed in the past will gradually be eliminated. That’s why I am so worried about you. Do you want to descend and become an offender? It’s so filthy. Which animal wears clothes? Do you wear clothes when you’re behaving like an animal? People who have committed sexual misconduct with more than three people must properly repent for the wrongdoings of the past or, alternatively, prepare to descend! That even includes people who have made defamatory remarks. When we’re learning Buddhism, we must observe the precepts strictly and adhere to the disciplinary rules, then constantly cultivate our mind, recite the sutras and remain diligent. When you do all of these, you can truly eliminate all the negative karma that you created in the past. Otherwise, in which lifetime do you think you will be able to eliminate all of it?

Excerpt from Master Lu’s Q&A (253), 6 September 2018

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